Remembering Marty Gingell
Oct 16, 1944 - Jan 6, 2025
BTG Life Member and President (2000-2004)

On paper, Marty Gingell was President of the BTG from 2000 to 2004. In reality, she enhanced so many aspects of our Club the entire time she served the BTG. Marty lead transformational changes to the House & Garden Tour, upgrading it to the professional event we all love and support today.
The entire Gingell family stepped into every Mushroom Sandwich event - sautéing, selling and publicizing this quirky delicacy. Marty loved the life member luncheon - planning the event, selecting the meal and welcoming members with her inspiring report.
Always environmentally friendly, many of Marty's speakers focused on sound land management of our grounds.
You may be a lucky member to have a copy of the BTG Sampler Cookbook that Marty oversaw - literally preparing the layout for each page. How fitting since Marty also managed the creation of the BTG Commemorative plates. While all the above describe accomplishments, Marty's greatest gifts were that of friendship, hospitality and joy.
Always positive, Marty was engaged in all things Chautauqua - from her CLSC class to Secretary of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd to attending lectures, special studies and hosting family and friends at their delightful cottage on Bliss.
A London Planetree planted behind Smith Wilkes Hall in 2004 honors her time as President and is the first tree on one of Jack Gulvin's weekly tree walks. You can find it growing tall beside the Newberry Terrace.
Marty's lovely obituary shares so much more about Marty's impact on the community, the Episcopal church, all things Buffalo, Celtic festivals and other aspects of life important to her.
Her family has generously directed donations to the BTG and we are truly grateful.
~ Angela James, BTG President 2017-2021
~ Photos by Norm Karp, BTG President 2008-2012
Our Mission
The Bird, Tree and Garden Club works to preserve, protect and promote the beauty and natural environment of the Chautauqua Institution grounds, including its habitats and ecosystems, through educational programs and projects.

photo by Jeanne Wiebenga of an August Monarch on Joe Pye at the golf course

photo by Jeanne Wiebenga

from The Little Free Library at Smith Wilkes Hall

photo by Jeanne Wiebenga of an August Monarch on Joe Pye at the golf course
• Po Box 721 •
Chautauqua, NY 14722